From Planet Computers
→NEW Gemini Multi-Boot Firmware (Debian Linux, Sailfish OS 3 Beta Community Edition, Kali, Standard and Rooted Android)
Once you have downloaded the right firmware for you, please extract the zip file and follow our [[Android Flashing Guide]] to install it.
==<br /><span style="color: #ff0000;">NEW</span> Gemini Multi-Boot Firmware (Debian Linux, Sailfish OS 3 Beta Community Edition, KaliLinux, Standard and Rooted Android, TWRP)==Gemini allows for multi-boot configuration, enabling Debian Linux, Sailfish OS 3 Beta Community Edition, Kali Linux, TWRP and Android to coexhist on the same device. The multi-boot firmware is configured using the online [http://support.planetcom.co.uk/partitionTool.html Gemini Partition Tool].
The partition tool allows you to specify the sizes of each partitions and boot preferences for the Gemini.