
Sailfish OS Notes

1 byte removed, 16:54, 22 June 2018
Linux boot notes
The multi-boot mechanism works as follows.
Starting from a switched OFF Gemini, press the Esc (On) key to start the unit until the Gemini vibrates. Once you feel the vibration you can choose the boot mode by pressing the following key combination:
* Boot 1: This is the default booting option when no keys or buttons are pressed.
* Boot 3: Both Esc(On) key and silver right-end side button are pressed at the same time
Kepp Keep the keys/buttons pressed until the screen turns ON.
==<span class="mw-headline"><br /></span><span id="Linux_boot_notes" class="mw-headline"></span><span id="Linux_boot_notes" class="mw-headline">Updating Android on a Android/Linux Gemini<br /></span>==