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Gemini Firmware

2 bytes added, 17:19, 22 June 2018
Gemini Android-only firmware
We have 3 firmware versions, please be sure you download the right firmware for your device. WiFi-Only Gemini users should download the WiFi-Only firmware. 4G Gemini users using x25 chip (early release Geminis) should download the 4G Gemini x25 firmware. Finally, the Gemini 4G x27 users should download the 4G Gemini x27 firmware. If you are not sure about your Gemini version, just check under Settings -> Wireless & networks. If you see a menu called SIM cards, then you have an x27 Gemini, otherwise you have an x25 Gemini.
====WiFi-Only 4G Geminix27====* LATEST - [ Gemini WIFI x27 Android MP FOTA3 12/06/2018] - 09MD5: 3280fbedd297b0e56b46cf1516215b70* [ Gemini x27 Android FOTA1] 10/05/2018MD5: c565fb6584dcb3bc5592432dfcad6d73* [ Gemini x27 Android MP] - 16/03/2018 MD5: 77340cd92b1f0f6ef2937f786330c83f50978bbe1cedae8afc6a010d9702a7b6
====4G Gemini x25 (early release)====
* [ Gemini x25 Android MP 30/05/2018] - MD5: 86959982ea85152a81616a84e6b16cf7
====4G WiFi-Only Gemini x27====* LATEST - [ Gemini x27 WIFI Android FOTA3 12MP - 09/0605/2018] - MD5: 3280fbedd297b0e56b46cf1516215b7077340cd92b1f0f6ef2937f786330c83f* [ Gemini x27 Android FOTA1] 10/05/2018 MD5: c565fb6584dcb3bc5592432dfcad6d73* [ Gemini x27 Android MP] 16/03/2018 MD5: 50978bbe1cedae8afc6a010d9702a7b6
Once you have downloaded the right firmware for you, please extract the zip file and follow our [[Android Flashing Guide]] to install it.