From Planet Computers
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* The password for the 'gemini' user is 'gemini'
* The default keyboard layout is English. To configure the a different keyboard layout of , make sure you have updated your CosmoLinux distribution:*# Remove _apt user from /etc/passwd (see point below in known issues)*# become root by typing 'sudo bash' followed by the 'gemini' password*# type 'apt-get update'*# type 'apt-get upgrade'.<br />Aget that, click on the menu icon and select System Settings. Inside System Settings select "Input Devices" and set the Keyboard Model under Hardware to "Planet | Planet Computers GeminiCosmo Communicator" as in the screenshot below. Tap the Apply button.
[[File:55.jpg|center|640x480px|center|border]] Under layout you can now select your own Cosmo keyboard layout.