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FotaUpdate v20

201 bytes added, 16:58, 28 March 2020
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# The next step will move the file from the Downloads folder to the root of the internal storage:
## Run the '''Files '''application
## From the Downloads folder, long-tap on the file, then tap on the three-dots icon on the top left of the screen and select 'Move to...'<br /><br />[[File:Screenshot_20200328-134752.png|800x400px|center|border]][[File:Screenshot_20200328-134800.png|center|800x400px|border]]## Now tap on the three-dots icon on the top left of the screen again and select 'Show internal storage'<br />[[File:Screenshot_20200328-134809.png|center|800x400px|border]]## On the left side, tap on the menu icon and then select Cosmo_Communicator<br /><br />
## Finally, tap on the MOVE button
# Now run the Settings application